Quem sou eu

Minha foto
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Especialista em Desenvolvimento Humano, Luciana Ribeiro é formada em Psicologia e Administração de Empresas, com pós-graduação em Administração de Recursos Humanos; tem formação em Personal, Professional e Leader Coaching pela Sociedade Brasileira de Coaching. Também tem formação em O.P.H (Osho Prana Healing), Florais de Bach e Reiki. Atua como Psicóloga Clínica, Coach, Terapeuta Floral, Terapeuta de O.P.H. e de Reiki. Ela associa seus conhecimentos em um trabalho que visa desenvolver o ser humano através do autoconhecimento, da expansão da consciência e do fortalecimento emocional, pois acredita que através disto um processo de transformação aconteça de forma autêntica e assertiva, gerando resultados positivos nas diferentes esferas da vida da pessoa. Também atua como Professora de Inglês desde 2005, após anos de estudo do idioma e vivência no exterior.

quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013

Aprendendo com música - Someone like you


I guess everybody knows this song. Her voice is really splendid. On this video, Adele explains why she wrote the song. She also sings it beautifully.

A Phrasal Verb is a verb, plus a preposition or adverb, which creates a meaning that is different from the original verb.

Run = to move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps in which each foot is lifted before the next foot touches the ground


I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. run + into = meet
He ran away when he was 15. run + away = leave home
Let's go over the Phrasal Verbs in the song:
1) Settled down - to become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in it.
I heard that you're settled down.......
P.s: In the song this word is an adjective, but it can also be a phrasal verb.
2) Hold back - to not do something, often because of fear or because you do not want to make a bad situation worse.
It ain't like you to hold back......
P.s: This word "ain't" is used only in spoken English and it's a version of the verb to be. E.g.: It's not like you to hold back.....
3) Turn up = Come, arrive
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.....
4) Stay away - to not go near or become involved with someone; to avoid something that will have a bad effect on you.
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.....
Phrasal verbs are very common in English and it can make a big difference for your understanding to know them. The best way to learn new words is when you can hear them in a context, so.... try to be in touch with the language as much as you can, by watching tv shows and movies or listening to songs.
Below you can find some exercises on phrasal verbs:



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